Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Life's Memorable Moments

Now for something really different. First up is an on air blunder from an international sporting match.

Radio 5 Live: What's it like in Athens, Greece tonight, Roger?

Gold Medalist Roger Black: Actually, I'm not in Athens, but in the front room of a friend's house in Guildford, England. I've been dropped from the BBC broadcasting team in Athens.

Source: Radio 5 Live (UK) interview on the Athens Olympics

Comment: Producers and production assistants are supposed to check for this type of thing before the on air personality inserts his foot in his mouth, thereby preventing both his network and himself looking like idiots.

The world of electronic retail is rife with knowledgable IT types that the novice consumer trust for state of the art technical expertise.

Customer: Now what does this 512MB of RAM mean on this PC?

Sales Associate: Ummm . . . RAM is what slows down your PC, see it rams into your processing power, causing slowdowns. That's why it's called RAM.

Customer: (With eyebrows raised.) Are you sure?

Sales Associate: Authoritatively asserts, Who's the expert here?

Source: Conversation overheard at a national electronics chain store that just can't refrain from telling us potential customers that it's the greatest deal around, and its dedicated group of paid tech nerds can solve any issue or answer any questions.

Finally, a bit closer to the more ordinary and mundane that lumps into the Thanks, but no thanks category.

Public non-profit organizations don't have bushels of petty cash on hand so their staffs tend to be spot on with their written promotions and flyers that announce free venues that members of the public can attend. A patron can be assured that a top of his game staffer has scrutinized the wording before sending the posting off to the printer. Take the following example:

Rectal is open to the public.
FREE Admission!
You could have a front row seat.

Source: Flyer for a dance recital held in a midwestern city.

Comment: That had the potential for being that non-profit's greatest money maker. No wonder those dancers stand on their toes!